Saturday, July 2, 2011

Theme of the week is rocks

I don’t know what it is about them, but rocks seem to be so attractive.  At least in my eyes.  I’ve taken more pictures of them than all my other photos combined.  But why?  Why waste my time taking pictures of such lifeless, still objects?  I guess its just because of their diversity.  Yes, rock diversity is enormous in the American Southwest.  Every turn in the road as you drive through a canyon or crest a mountain, or drive up to an overlook offers a new and exciting vista, something you’ve never seen before, and may never seen again.  Rocks out here are purple, orange, red, brown, black, gray, white, and many shades in between.  I know I have way too many pictures of sandstone sculptures from the past 4 or 5 days, but it’s all so interesting, I just couldn’t help myself.  It became almost annoying, pulling into roadside pull-offs just to get another picture of some enormous rock outcrop.  Regardless, these pictures will now help me to remember this trip forever.  So maybe rocks aren’t moving (on a human timescale at least), but out here, for whatever reason, they certainly deserve a second look.

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