Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Backcountry hiking in the Sierras

Just a quick note, I am about to embark on a two night backcountry hiking trip into the Sierra Nevadas in California.  Im hitting up a trailhead just outside of Independence, Ca, and bringing all the necessities with me.  I had to rent a bear canister to keep all my food/trash in while im in the wilderness.  It should be a fun trip.  I just got out of Death Valley.  The place is unbelievably hot.  It was 11 at night when I went to sleep on my picnic table and it was still 100 degrees.  Today it was supposed to top 110, but I left before the heat of the day.  Whew!  Ill have lots of updates from Death Valley and the Sierras in a day or two when Im back on the grid.

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