Sunday, July 3, 2011

First day of nothing in a while

Today was perhaps the calm before the storm that is Independence Day.  They day we celebrate our freedom from those Redcoats.  I would bet that there was a lot of drinking and partying when American won its freedom at the end of the Revolutionary War.  I can't say what will happen tomorrow, but Tim and Kate have invited a few friends and family over to their house for a little get-together, and I plan on enjoying the nice Flagstaff weather, and plan on stuffing myself with hot dogs and burgers (as you all should be doing on such an American day).  To prepare for the festivities tomorrow, I had to take care of a few errands today.  Today was the first of my trip in which I did not hike or do any bird watching.  Well, I did hike for a half hour around the streets of Flagstaff, but I didnt do much bird watching, for fear of appearing as a peeping Tom, with binoculars around my neck.  This highlights one of the down sides to birding in a residential area.  People think youre looking at more than just birds.  Anyway, most of the morning was spent making pancakes for everyone in the house, showering, and working on some cover letters for prospective jobs after the fun of this trip is over with (ugh, the real world).  A few phone calls to friends and family were also made, to let all know that I am alive and well. 
There are now 8 people living staying in Tim and Kate's 2 bedroom house.  I feel lucky to have snagged the couch.  The parents of Tim and Kate's roommate slept in the bed of their truck last night, and Tim and Kate slept on a blowup mattress on the lawn, leaving their room for Tim's mom and brother.  Not a better place to sleep outside though.  Flagstaff is a designated "dark city", so light pollution is minimized so that even in the downtown sections, one can still appreciate the starlight.  Not to mention the lake of rain mean you don't have to worry about getting wet in the middle of the night.  We did actually have rain today for the first time in months, and all the locals seemed very excited to see raindrops hit the ground for once. 

McDonalds is still treating me well.  I don't feel bad spending a few hours in their establishment.  I'm always sure to purchase something off the dollar menu to validate my long stays.  Tonight its a 56 cent vanilla cone and a dollar soft drink.  Not much of a dinner, but I'll feast tomorrow! 

Happy early July 4th to all!  Although I guess back east the day has already arrived.

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