Saturday, July 9, 2011

Notes on Arizona

I've been keeping a little journal of all the birds I see and where I see them, plus just notes on the days events.  Here's some of my comments I've jotted down about this part of Arizona:
-90 degrees by 9am
-Thunderstorms every afternoon as the monsoon season is getting underway
-Coyotes howling in Saguaro National Park under a moon lit night
-There are way too many cops around the border of AZ and Mexico to risk speeding.  I drove from Sonoita, Az to Patagonia Az around 8pm.  It's a 12 mile stretch of road, and I passed at least 5 cops.  With my recent history of getting pulled over, I drove the speed limit the whole way.  Yea, I was "that guy". 
-McDonalds Empire stretches to every corner of the country.  If you drive past an exit that doesnt have a McDonalds, dont worry, there will be one at the next exit.  I past 3 while driving through downtown Tuscon last night...all on the same road. 
-for those who pay attention to national gas pricing, its cheap here:  $3.21
-running for an hour is now a real chore.  I've been running 3-4 days a week while on this road trip, and most of the time its only for 35 minutes.  An 8 mile run two nights ago was my second longest run thus far.  Very scenic, running as the sun went down, and a lightning storm put on a show over the distant Mexican mountain ranges.  But man, was I tired.  The next day's hiking was grueling.  The leg's werent responding, even though it was a flat hike.  I had to sit down for a bit. 
-Jack in the Box double chicken bacon burger, curly fries, and drink for $5.  First time I've ever felt truly full after eating fast food.

Just read an email that some of the local mountain forests have been reopened to the public!  My original plan had been to leave the area today for the long haul to the Lake Meade area, just outside Las Vegas, followed by a shorter drive the next day to Death Valley NP in California.  I might postpone that driving a day, and take a shot at some of these mountain birds.  Ill get back to you soon to let you know what I did!

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