Thursday, June 2, 2011


Woke up this morning around 8.  I had slept in, figuring today would be a day to catch up on things besides birding, like running, bank issues, blogging, phone calls, and thank you cards.  I went for a nice run in a local park in Winnipeg.  A really pretty park with huge oaks.  There was some sort of Art festival going on with hundreds of little kids running around.  There were walkers, joggers, rollerbladers, everyone was out enjoying the morning weather.  I did a little 35 minute run, finishing the last mile really hard, just for kicks.  While stretching, a lady walked past asking if I was the person who went past her.  I said yes, just finishing up a run.  She said that was no run, that was a sprint!  I told them I run cross country and track, so it's ok (ICXC represent!)  Anyway, a few nice birds in the park, including a surprise Olive-sided flycatcher.  This area of Winnipeg definitely gets two thumbs up by me as being a very pretty city.  The park was great, and so were the people.  My only suggestion to them is not to try and install a man made ski slope on the only hill above 100 feet in the whole area.... This is the prairie for crying out loud!
Why thank you, dont mind if i do.
No double black diamonds here

Anyway, the nice weather didn't last.  It quickly clouded up and began pouring and getting windy in the afternoon.  I am currently sitting in a Mcdonalds and its raining out.  No lie, every other day on this trip has been nice, with the days in between being windy and rainy.  It's kind of frustrating because it makes setting up and taking down a tent more of hassle, having to deal with everything getting wet.  It's also frustrating because it makes the birding more difficult, especially with the wind.  The weather for the area is much of the same on and off sunny, rainy for the next week.  I dont know, I feel like this whole spring has been unreasonably rainy and cold, and its still occurring up here.  I want it to end!  It's not as fun driving across country when it's raining.  Ok, computer's about to die.  Photos from last few posts to come soon.  Bye for now!

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