Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Origins of the name Grand Teton

The name "Grand Teton" was first recorded in 1870.  I'm sure the first european explorers to come across these huge obstruction in their path west had been on the road for quite some time.  Assuming that all the explorers were ment, they'd probably been without their wives, girlfriends, or any women for that matter for quite some time.  The longing for a women was probably strong in these trailblazers.  Longing for company of a different flavor, and hey let's face it, probably for sex.

  So when these men came across rocky pointed peaks, so massive as they were, it wouldn't be surprising if the first thing that came to their minds was a woman's breasts.  I'm not trying to be crude, I'm just retelling history.  In french, Grand Teton means large teat.  For such amazing landscapes to be named after a woman's sexual body feature is somewhat comical.  Perhaps that why historians claim that mountains were named after the Teton Sioux tribe of Native Americans.  Pick whichever story you wish to believe.  But I highly doubt that explorers were thinking highly of the Indians when thinking of names for things on the travels.
Blame it on the Tetons, by Modest Mouse.  Good title for a song.

Cya tetons
 I only wish I could have stayed in the Grand Tetons another day.  I spent one night there, and it was fantastic.  It's hard to top an evening run along glistening Jackson Lake with, staring half the time at 13,000 foot Grand Teton, beaming in the fading light.  A much better way to take in all in than, say, driving to a pull out, taking a quick pic, and continuing on your way.  Ah one of the many perks of running.

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