Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Douglas Marsh

Can't go without mentioning Douglas Marsh!  The site of the highest concentration of breeding Yellow Rails in Manitoba, and perhaps the world.  Theyre a small marsh bird, like a chicken, but much smaller.  Here's a quote on the bird:

"The Yellow Rail has to be one of the most elusive birds in North America. Interestingly, on talking with some of the best birders in the region, most do not have this bird on their life list, and those that do, have only heard and not seen this bird.  It is a very secretive bird that sticks to deep grasses and marsh vegetation. If disturbed, it prefers to run or walk rather than fly. When it does fly in the marsh it is only for short distances."
The famous Douglas Marsh, just south of the town of Douglas Station, Manitoba

I thought I'd have a good chance at at least hearing this bird at Douglas Marsh.  The marsh is bisected by a road with limited traffic and you can stand on the road and wait til dark when the rails start calling.  Well it didn't get completely dark until 11, and after waiting about 45 minutes I gave up hope.  So much for the greatest Yellow rail location in Manitoba!  Although I'm sure I looked real sketchy to passerby's, with my little headlamp and binoculars, staring out into the darkness of a marsh at late hours of the night.  Nobody stopped to question me though.  I guess I wouldn't want to stop to talk to a scruffy looking man walking along a roadside either.  
What viewing a Yellow Rail is supposed to look like
I did have a bunch of other great birds, though, having point blank views of a Virginia Rail that came right up to my feet on the roadside when I played it's call on a recorder.  I also heard the voices of Sedge Wren, Marsh Wren, American Bittern, Sora, and my first ever LeConte's Sparrow, all marsh birds that are much easier to see than hear.  As I was leaving I was also fortunate to see a surprise Long-eared Owl on a post along the edge of the marsh.  Here's my pic of the owl....
Long-eared Owl, sort of.
And here's what I Long-eared Owl looks like, just in case the above photo doesnt help...
Long-eared Owl
This trip to Douglas Marsh was on Saturday night.  It's now Tuesday afternoon.  Im heading tonight to the Cypress Hills PP in very western Saskatchewan before going into Alberta tomorrow.  I hope to be in Banff NP in two days. 

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