Friday, May 27, 2011

It's all down hill from here...

Well, I made it through my first night alone.  Left dad behind yesterday, and except for one wrong turn that ended up just being a scenic detour, I made it to Algonquin.  Unfortunately, the sunny and 70 that I saw yesterday was nowhere to be seen today.  It was just plain miserable out.  48 and rainy.  And it stayed that way all day.  This was not the Algonquin that I was hoping to find, and it was especially inconvenient when trying to set up my tent without getting everything soaked.  But I did it!  Tent up, tarp up for cooking under.
home sweet home

Despite the poor whether, I tried my best to do some birding, along Opeongo Rd and the Spruce Bog Boardwalk.  The boardwalk was awful...the wind was blowing the rain sideways, and nobody wanted to be out singing, except for the Red-winged Blackbirds, which are always singing.  Opeongo Road was a bit better, lots of warblers, including Nashville, Chestnut-sided, and Yellow-rumped.  I also spotted two Moose along the highway!  Got pictures of both of them, unfortunately I'm having trouble uploading photos at the moment, so I'll post them later.  Dinner tonight consisted of 3 eggs scrambled and two hot dogs.  Simple meal that took an hour to cook under the tarp in the rain.  By the end of this trip, I expect to be a camping cook phenom.  After a cold and wet day, I showered up at the provided facilities, put on my pajama pants and jumped into my tent for the night.  I was out like a light.  Mother nature certainly had it in for me today.
young bull moose having a picnic

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