Monday, August 1, 2011

A hike to remember

Well, we just finished our hike down into the Grand Canyon.  We’re both beat, tired, but satisfied.  I can safely say we experienced the beauty and danger of the Grand Canyon today. 
We left our tent at 515am, trying to get the majority of the hike in before the heat of the day.  This was probably the smartest decision we made all day.  The difference in temperature between the rim and the bottom of the canyon usually differ by 25 degrees.  So if the high for the rim was 85, you can do the math for the bottom.  And I’m NOT exaggerating on that.  Starting out early, we quickly descended 3000ft. past beautiful vistas offering 360 degree views of the canyon.  It was a really neat perspective to be in the canyon looking out.  Also, don’t get the impression that there is just one canyon in this national park.  Sure, the Colorado cuts the main canyon, the deepest one.  But there are many side canyons that have formed that cut down to the main one which holds the Colorado.  And with so many cliffs and buttes, it makes it very difficult to get around in this area.  Most parts of the trail were switchbacks cut into the canyon walls.  Our quads and knees were both very sore after reaching skeleton point, nearly 3 miles hike from where we began. 
Now despite the warnings of the heat of the lower canyon, and how you should never hike further than what you are capable of doing, and how it was not recommended to hike past skeleton point in the summer months, we decided to hike past skeleton point.  It was a mutual decision.  The next 1.5 miles dropped 1500 feet down some pretty nasty switchbacks to.  It was only 9am when we got here.  Even though we were only another 2 miles hike from the canyon bottom, it would have required another 2000foot descent, and neither of us had really packed enough food for a return trip like that in the heat of the day.  So we turned around after eating lunch and chatting with some recent college grads who told us to expect a hot walk back.  They were right.  The 1.5 mile hike back to Skeleton point was pretty tough.  I can't quite pull off the jumps and flips of the gymnast that was accompanying me, but I think my cross country background made the hike a little easier for me.  Justine had a little more trouble.  I felt bad perhaps having persuaded her to come down so far into the canyon, and this section of the trail back out, with its steep switchbacks, was definitely harder on her than it was on me.  We had brought plenty of water, though, and we stopped many times, most often underneath overhanging cliff walls to avoid the sun that was beating down at around 90 degrees.  It was a bit scary, but after reaching skeleton point again, the trail gradient lessened, the air temps were cooler, and the hiking was easier and more enjoyable all around.  We took our time coming out, enjoying the many views that we got to see on the way down, still panting the entire way out.  It’s not a coincidence that everyone seems so happy walking downhill, but everyone you pass going uphill out of the canyon looks like they just want to die.  We took plenty of pictures, avoided pestering squirrels that tried to get free handouts, and even saw one of the few wild California Condors flying above the rim.  I have now seen condors at three different locations on this trip.  Pretty good for a species for which there are less than 300 birds flying around in the wilds of North America.  But in the end, we did it.  9 miles of out and back hiking, descending then ascending over 3500 feet, and all finished before 1:30.  I am just thankful we decided to leave so early.  Even near the upper reaches of the canyon, the 80 or so heat was taxing to take.  
Early morning on the south rim

Pondering the trip down? and back?

View from the tipoff, 3500 ft below the rim.  The deep gorge in the foreground is where the colorado flows

After a free shuttle ride back to our car at the visitor center, we both took showers ($2 for 8 minutes, still worth it), and now we’re at McDonalds, of course.  Looking back on the hike now, I think we’re both very satisfied with our experience in the Grand Canyon, especially since our time here is so short.  Now its off to our campsite, we’ve got some s’mores  to make tonight!
Listen to the signs.  They know best.

Some of the switchbacks descending into the canyon!

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